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Chihuahua Dog Adoption Guide

Chihuahua dogs can make wonderful pets! 

And Chihuahua dog adoption is an easy way to bring one into your home. Before you do though, it’s very important to understand both the Pros and the Cons of ownership before proceeding adoption or rescue.

The Pros:

  • Chihuahuas are adorable.  They are the perpetual puppy.
  •  These little guys are perfect for apartment dwellers. Because of their pocket size, an apartment provides plenty of room for a Chihuahua to move around during the day.  You’ll still need to take them out for walks though!
  • Known for being “yappy”, Chihuahua’s make great watchdogs.  They are territorial, and although not physically frightening, their consistent warning alarm can be very foreboding for a potential burglar.
  • Chihuahua puppies can be taught to use a litter box or artificial grass area.  This is a huge advantage in the middle of the night or on a rainy day!  There is also a wonderful Dog Training Pad that can be purchased that uses “puppy pads” that are scented to encourage your puppy to go.
  • The short hair variety are easy to groom. The long hair type isn’t that difficult either. They need to be bathed and have their nails clipped monthly, but that is about it.
  • In general, when these little guys have good health and feel loved and cared for by their owners, they have a long lifespan.  They can live anywhere from 10-14 years.

The Cons:

    • Due to their tiny size, Chihuahuas can injure easily. Owners must be very careful not to step on, drop or drop something on top of their little Chi.
    •  Chihuahuas and toddlers don’t mix. Young children may not realize how fragile they are, or may think it is a toy. It’s easy to accidentally drop or step on one. Care must always be taken due to their being so fragile.
    • These dogs do not like cold weather.  They are considered “hairless” and they are true heat-seekers. Most Chi’s hate cold or wet weather and will do just about anything to avoid it.  Care must be taken to ensure your dog has a COVERED bed to snuggle in and warm clothes if brought outside in bad weather.  We like this one.  We like this one best because the top part of the bed, the cover, is heavy enough for the dog to burrow for warmth, and it stays covered.  Some others are too light and do not stay covered.  Or they have a foam insert and it doesn’t actually cover the dog well.
  • Same as number 3 above, these guys due tend to bark – A LOT.  If you live close to neighbors, or can’t tolerate the “warnings”, then this breed may not be your best choice.

Generally, Chihuahuas are friendly, cuddly and fun!  Take care to ensure they are the right choice for your family.  They are one of the most popular breeds abandoned to shelters.  This can be avoided with doing your adoption homework before bringing a  puppy home.

Chiwawa Dogs

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Blue Chihuahua standing

Deer Type Chihuahua

“Teacup”, “Apple Head” and “Deer Type” – They sound completely different, but really, they are describing one breed of dog.  The Mighty Chiwawa!  In this article we will discuss Deer Type Chihuahua dogs. Different types of  Chiwawa dogs have different physical features. The “deer type” type of Chiwawa is arguably considered the closest ancestor of the origin of the Chiwawa breed.  Chiwawa dogs have their lineage in Mexico.

The “Techichi” was a sturdy little ancestor of today’s Chiwawa dog that had it’s head and legs shaped like a tiny deer. This dog would not look like the standard AKC (American Kennel Club) “apple head” Chiwawa. Although, the deer type chiwawa can technically be AKC, we don’t see many of them in shows for this this reason. As a rule of thumb, a deer type chiwawa is usually taller in size than all other Chiwawas. It’s height makes it the biggest of other Chiwawa dogs.

A male chiwawa of this type might measure 12” in average whereas a standard Chiwawa might average about 5”. The female deer head may measure up to 10”. If well fed (perhaps overfed would be a better term), they can weigh up to twenty pounds. They are generally a healthy dog, and many can live well up to 20 years. They may look fragile, but they can make wonderful companions.

As with most chiwawa dogs, they have an active and friendly personality.  However, they always seem to be cold and have a constant desire to find heat. Your Chiwawa is a social animal as well, and it is often ready to snuggle up with you or the other pets they share their home with. Most of them are very lovable and loyal to their owners. Having a Chiwawa in your home, whether a deer type or not, is always a wonderful thing to me.

Chiwawa Dogs

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